Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thing #22 - Podcasts: no iPod needed!

I didn't find a podcast that I want personally to subscribe and listen to as I am a visual-kinesthetic learner and anything just auditory doesn't work well with me. The podcast that I listened to and subscribed to was Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcast. I thought this might be useful to the auditory learners in my class and would be something I would put on my class wiki. I actually found this podcast on Learn Out Loud and Podcastalley. Learn out Loud was the easiest directory to use and you got more information initially without having to click on the name. Making my own or class podcast might be in my future but being visual, I am just not that thrilled about it yet.


Debbie said...

I have actually used Grammar Girl's when disputing some grammar rule!

Debbie B. said...

I like Grammar Girl's too. You may want to reconsider trying podcasts with your students. I know we did iMovie with your second grade class. Podcasting is much easier and the kids loved it. I did it last year with 3rd and 6th classes. I am sure Kay Horne would love to help you and your kids next year. You are an awesome teacher!!!