Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #12 - Google's Not Just For Searching Anymore

WOW - AGAIN! I am pretty adept at technology and I have a My Yahoo! page that I use. I use the calendar that I sync with my cell phone calendar. I am much more impressed with how easy it is to use Google Calendar. I liked the ability to set up separate calendars for separate aspects of my life choosing either public or private. I like having the place for comments for responses. I think this will be useful as I set up a calendar for school and will share this with my parents. As I also take care of the school's website, I am going to check in to using this as the website calendar instead of building one in the website. This is just another means of keeping parents informed on projects and other special events coming up! I've tried to link to the calendar but seem to have problems and the HTML cannot be accepted. Maybe after a break I can figure it out. I may even set up a class calendar. I can put daily assignments (even though they are to keep an assignment book). I added the Cowboys schedule as my room will be Cowboys this year. There were some other public calendars to go back to look at that might be useful in the classroom as well. I am probably going to switch the calendars I personally use as well! I have gone back and forth with my Yahoo calendar as I worked with the Google calendar comparing features. Google by far has many more pluses than Yahoo!

I have a customize My Yahoo! home page that I use at home but the iGoogle page is much better! You have many more options for customizing and adding themes. I spent a long time going through the themes, they have a lot! They have many gadgets to add to your home page. I really like being able to put my calendar, reader and notebook all on the same page for easy access. With the busy schedules we have this is going to be so helpful. I added a couple of other gadgets like sticky notes and weather. I will keep playing and see what gadget I want to keep and what to delete.

I did go and set a Google notebook up as well. This has incredible potential. Often when I research I copy and paste in a word document to use. This will be much faster and more efficient. I started a notebook that I called Learning 2.0. I put in the first idea that I wrote in a notebook that I had started (another wish I knew this before). I plan on using this to add thoughts, idea, etc as I continue this journey. Here is the notebook I set up - Learning 2.0 Notebook.

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